Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week Ending 17 Agosto

I'm joining Wanda of Reinventing Mother for her Week Ending linkup, and praying for God to comfort her in her trials and reward her with the sweetness of His presence.

My weekend started with a VERY unusual (for me) hankering to make cookies, so I did. Two dozen nutella chocolate chip cookies, and a dozen "3-ingredient" peanut butter cookies.

What I didn't realize was how RICH and ADDICTIVE they are - especially the nutella cookies! The poor Pirate got carried away eating them on Saturday night and woke up Sunday morning feeling so bad that he stayed home from mass! This NEVER happens to him, so lesson learned - I've got to reduce the temptation factor next time I'm in the mood to bake something.

This is how the Pirate looked most of Sunday.

But back to the rest of the weekend...
On Saturday I decided that I needed a new headcovering for church, so I repurposed a shawl that I never wore by downsizing it and the result was this:

I also worked on a crocheted top that I'm making to wear over cami's.
This color (which is the official color of the Mexican postal system) is really amazing! Believe it or not, it goes with everything! I guess fuchsia is the new black - at least in Mexico.

The weather was perfect on Saturday, with a lovely breeze. I was out in the ramada most of the day crocheting and reading, and sometimes looking at the view.

However, it was too hot on Sunday to cook inside the house, so I got the wood cookstove going outside and made a little supper.

This is one of my famous "one-pot" meals. I am the queen of one-pot meals because I learned to cook on a longbox wood stove (NOT made for cooking!) with a single pot!

We had our supper outside in the ramada.

Once it got dark we went back in the house and I wrote the most recent episode in a series of posts about our trip to mainland Mexico.

Check it out - it's a pretty good story!

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