Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Beatitude Attitudes, vol. 1

Rakhi at The Pitter Patter Diaries just started a wonderful link-up, The Beatitude Attitudes. She's hosting it every Tuesday and I don't know about you all but I occasionally need a reminder to consider the many ways that God has blessed me! So here are my 7 Beatitude Attitudes for the week:

[1] Blessed am I to have a husband who continually finds new and interesting things to give his attention to. Here he is making jerky, which he sells at a local shop.

[2] Blessed am I to have our oldest granddaughter staying with us for a month, drawing me out of my normal navel-gazing routine to meet new people and do things I otherwise would not bother to do.

[3] Blessed am I to have all the members of my family committed to following Jesus.

[4] Blessed am I to be part of parish that is so strong in its love for God, with a priest who is the best pastor I have ever known in 40+ years of church-going!

[5] Blessed am I to live in a "walking town" - everything is close enough to walk to, and many people don't even have cars.

[6] Blessed am I to have long-time friends whom I've known all my adult life and who I still get to spend time with.

[7] Blessed am I to live in a place where it NEVER freezes! (I am SOOO sensitive to cold!)

I encourage YOU to hie thyself over to Rakhi's and join this link-up

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining me, Anna! I love your family's adventurous spirit and deeply rooted faith! And who doesn't like a good jerky? :)


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